Raphael Garden at Steiner College
We can't overstate how impressesd we were, on our visit to Raphael Garden at Steiner College in Fair Oaks, CA. over the new-year's holidays
we took a few photos, viewable on flickr (if that doesn't work let me know)

that's "wild dagge", "Lion's tail" or leonotis leonurus in the foreground, one of our favorite garden herbs
here's a view of some of the tremendous beds:
a lot of learning goes on here!
upcoming public-registration gardening classes are listed in the comments and here.
Labels: biodynamic, Raphael
this info comes from the document
This series of classes will take place in the classrooms and gardens of Rudolf Steiner College one Saturday each month (except December), from 9:00 am - 5:00pm. Lunch may be available for purchase. Pre-registration requested.
Workshop Series (includes intensive):$870
Students/Seniors 65 & older: $685
Individual Class:$90 Students/Seniors 65 & older: $70
Intensive (taken separately, with permission): $370
Students/Seniors 65 & older $290
[sessions 1-3 already happened]
Session 4
January 20, 2007
Seed Saving and Crop Rotation
Every gardener can take important steps toward creating a self-enclosed organism by learning how to save seeds. Instead of buying seeds from an outside source, you can save your own and create varieties best suited for your own environment.As we become familiar with the whole plant, from seed to seed, we are preserving open pollinated varieties and limiting the spread of hybrids and genetically–engineered seed. At the end of the season, we will have plenty of seeds to share. You will also study crop rotation and companion planting—important tools in keeping plants healthy and minimizing damage from diseases and pests
Session 5
February 10, 2007
Tree Care and Animal Husbandry
Dan Crebbin will lecture on fruit trees and animals and how they complete a farm or large garden.You will come to understand the tree as a special bearer of life,providing habitat for many birds and creating extra shade in the garden.You will learn how to select appropriate fruit trees for your locale and how to prune your trees so they will respond with an abundance of fruit.Animals ensoul the farm or garden, bringing extra joy and creating what Rudolf Steiner called “the farm individuality.”They digest and process plant matter from the farm or garden,producing manure as well as meat and other by-products.
Session 6
March 10, 2007
Cosmic Rhythms and Planting Calendars
Life is rhythm.The plant is embedded in the cosmic rhythms of the days and seasons,guided by the sun, moon, and planets. Learn about all the cosmic influences that affect plants. Find out how a planting calendar can help you see plants in the proper relationship to these cosmic events thus increasing your awareness of the land’s cosmic surroundings.
Session 7
April 21, 2007
Spring Planting,Weed Management and Herb Growing
Spring is an important time of preparing the soil for planting and starting or transplanting all summer crops. Different techniques will be demonstrated. Weeds,the undesired plants, will quickly show up. Different strategies of how to deal with weeds will be explored. Herbs can play an important role in gardening for bringing diversity, as culinary or tea plants, and to keep other plants healthy. Many aspects of herb growing, propagation and processing will be discussed.
Session 8
May 12, 2007
Bee Keeping and Pest Management
When the natural balance is disturbed, pests of all sorts creep in: fungus appears where there is too much moisture; insects can destroy crops if the crops are too weak. This workshop will show different ways of addressing pests. David Basile will introduce a highly beneficial insect that can be kept in a garden—the honeybee.
June 6-10, 2007
Advanced Intensive
The advanced intensive can be taken individually by those who have some experiencewith biodynamics. This week is meant to deepen the series experiences as theculmination of the year’s classes. There will be presentations on the self-enclosedfarm organism and ways to experience life through plant observations.Cynthia Hoven will also present lectures and eurythmy exercises on the four kingdoms of nature.
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