Virginia Association for Biological Farming

anyone within x radius of this event should consider attending!
8th Annual Virginia Biological Farming Conference
“Healthy Farms, Healthy Soil, Healthy Food”
Focusing on the link between nutrition and agriculture in general, and the far-reaching consequences of the health of soil in particular, the eighth annual Virginia Biological Farming Conference will be held on Friday, Feb. 2 and Saturday, Feb. 3 at the Massanetta Springs Conference Center, Harrisonburg.
Co-sponsored by the Virginia Association of Biological Farming (VABF), Cooperative Extension at Virginia State University and USDA’s Risk Management Agency, the two-day educational meeting is designed for commercial farmers, farm managers, educators, agricultural professionals, urban farmers, master gardeners, consumers and anyone concerned about good health and sound farming practices.
Dr. Arden Anderson, who practices medicine in Michigan and serves as a private consultant to farmers on biological farm practices, will be the featured speaker. His topics include “Health from the Roots Up: The Inevitable Link between Agriculture and Nutrition,” and “Soil Management for Human Health.”
Other discussion topics will include permaculture; organic beef production; year-round vegetable production; commercial production of ringneck pheasants; vegetable soybean production; alternative swine production systems; biological insect control in vegetable crops; roadside stand produce sales; new opportunities for hair sheep and meat goats; organic strawberry production; trickle irrigation system; weed control in organic vegetable crops; marketing certified organic beef; computer software for farm management; and ways to protect customers from e.coli, salmonella and other pathogens.

Before Jan 23, registration is $40 for VABF members and $60 for non-members. After Jan. 23, the registration fee will be $90. Fees cover handout materials, participation in all sessions, three meals and refreshments.
An educational program will also be conducted for youth 6 to 18. Registration is $35 per child and $30 for each additional child in a family. Fees cover activities, three meals, snacks, activities and materials.
Anyone needing special services or accommodations in order to participate should call in advance to make arrangements.
To register, call Marilyn Buerkens, conference registrar, at (540) 291-4333 or e-mail
Elizabeth Henderson of Peacework Organic Farm
at the 2004 VBFC
For conference and program information, call Andy Hankins, VSU alternative agriculture extension specialist, at (804) 524-5960 or e-mail; or Katherine Smith, VABF president, at (540) 261-2562.
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